Unmesh has launched the International Caregiver Skill Training (CST) program, conceived and designed by World Health Organization ( WHO). This WHO- CST program is  specially structured for parents of children with social and communication skill impairment. This is a 12 week course with weekly sessions: 9 group sessions and 3 individual sessions including home visits.

The first batch is now running from October to December ’22. Both parents and teachers have found this course very useful and fulfilling. Parents/caregivers are the best teachers for children, our mission is to enable them to understand their children and provide them best support and stimulation.

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UNMESH now opens doors to ALL little children, not just those with special needs! That too for what children like best, PLAY! Yes, our new wing, Smarajit Memorial Activity and Resource Centre (SMARC) is a richly stimulating after school play centre for children 3-10 years.

Today’s children are burdened with classwork, homework, tuitions, classes in music, dance, art, karate, chess…what not. We are constantly busy ‘teaching’ something but we fail to give them time to learn on their own and most importantly enjoy their childhood! That is exactly what UNMESH plans to offer the little ones at SMARC: an opportunity to learn to enjoy and enjoy to learn. It is high time we adults divert our children from their sole recreation, the mobile screen and give them a chance to play actively and freely. SMARC is calling all children to come and join the fun from 4-6 pm!

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Children’s Day

The smiles, laughter and free spirit of our students today overloaded us with joy! Together we sang, danced, clapped our hands! We had a wonderful day at school! Happy children's day to all our little Champs, may they all bloom to their fullest.

Republic Day Celebration

Saraswati Puja



A Visit to the Zoo

The animal world fascinates all children, specially when they come alive. Our kids enjoyed their day at the zoo thoroughly, intently watching the animals.